What You Need To Know

Osteopathy is a manual form of therapy that emphasizes the relationship between structure and function and embraces the philosophy that the body has an innate or natural ability to self-regulate and heal itself.

The key factor that permits this process, is the unimpeded circulation of the body’s fluids such as blood, its drainage through lymph, and the functionaing processes of the nervous system. Osteopathy as a manual therapy helps to facilitate that process by working with the interrelated systems and functions of the body. Through Facial Counterstrain and other osteopathic techinques we search for root cause dysfunctions in the arterial, or lympathic venous system, musculoskeletal system, the visceral or nervous system to optomize vital body functions. By normalizing muscular tension, vascular drainage, blood flow, and neural input, these techniques maximizes the body’s intrinsic ability to heal.

Impediments to the flow of fluids in the body may be either structural or non-structural blockages.

Structural or physical impediments include fascial tensions, scar tissue and adhesions that pull on the organs and skeletal frame. Non-structural impediments may include emotional patterns that are responsible for maintaining the body in a certain pattern of adaptation such as impaired breathing patterns or breath holding.

These adaptations are quite often the response to stressful incidents of the past or present, or cumulative such as chronic tension due to stress. Over time, the body gradually loses its ability to efficiently self-regulate and to self-heal.

Manual osteopathic techniques such as craniosacral therapy, positional joint release, fascial counterstrain, muscle energy techniques, lymphatic and visceral techniques with the addition of neurokinetic therapy are used to help bring balance back to the body’s systems, correct neurologial dysfunctions between the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system and other related systems to guide the body back into that self-regulatory and self-healing mode again. 

CranioSacral Therapy and Fascial Counterstrain

Discover the Healing Power of Gentle Touch

Light touch osteopathic approachs to assess the entire body for areas of pain and dysfunction and identify the specific treatment needed to correct the dysfunction and alleviate the pain. Recent research has shown that nearly all painful conditions are accompanied by inflammation of the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that is abundant throughout the entire body. It covers all nerves, arteries, veins and internal organs of the body; in other words, fascia is everywhere throughout the human body.  Fascial Counterstrain utilizes diagnostic tender points to identify reflexive muscle guarding in the body.  

It is believed that Facial Counterstrain’s powerful, multi-system effects are due to the deactivation of the body’s deep fascial pain receptors which trap inflammation in the inter-cell or interstitial tissue space. By normalizing muscular tension, vascular drainage, blood flow, and neural input, the technique maximizes the body’s intrinsic ability to heal. Multi-system diagnosis and manipulation is the key to correcting chronic health conditions. This treatment model allows the practitioner to identify and correct the source of the condition and not just treat the surface symptoms. 


Start Your Journey To Recovery Today

With the right osteopathic manual therapy, you can get back to what you love doing without the pain.

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