Colin Harris MSN, RN, DTCM, R.Ac.,C.SMA
Colin Harris completed a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Shang Hai Traditional Chinese Medicine College of BC in 2000. Colin is a Registered Acupuncturist, Certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture and a practitioner of several Osteopathic modalities. Colin is also a Registered Nurse with a Masters in Nursing with acute medical experience. This combination brings a unique perspective to Colin’s practice. Over the years Colin has has also integrated hands-on manual therapy techniques in addition to traditional acupuncture, meridian balancing, and sports medicine acupuncture. Colin also provides aesthetic or cosmetic acupuncture treatments (Synergy Facial).
Colin has also added modern technology to his practice by combining the wisdom of ancient medicine with cutting edge technology. Colin uses AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging, a computerized diagnostic tool to determine blockages or interference in the meridian pathways that can result in energetic imbalances that may contribute to pain and tension and negative health consequences. This assessment allows for a treatment protocol unique to each patient’s specific imbalances.
Colin takes a holistic approach to the body treating the whole person and blends both acupuncture principles and classical and emerging osteopathic techniques. This whole-body approach provides a focused and specific individualized evaluation and treatment approach to everyone’s unique condition to restore three-dimensional balance and overall health and well-being. Colin treatment philosophy is always about the search for the root cause of your condition and never just chasing your symptoms around.
Colin’s assessment process may include AcuGraph digital imaging, manual muscle testing, motor point stimulation techniques used in sports medicine acupuncture, functional and postural assessment. Post treatment may include corrective exercises, or kinesio-taping. Colin has the ability to use several non-needle techniques such as micro point stimulation or laser instead or in addition to needles. Also, LED low level light therapy may be used as part of the treatment. Scar and adhesion release may assist in restoring inhibited muscle groups either from traumatic or surgical scar adhesions. Scar treatment can release the blockage of energy flow in addition to improving the actual appearance of scars.
Colin has extensive training in several osteopathic techniques such as Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatics, Myofascial Release, Ligament Influenced Fascial Techniques and Positional Joint Release under the umbrella of Integrated Body Therapy. These techniques are integrated with acupuncture based on the presenting condition to provide the best possible outcomes for clients.
The primary philosophy is not to chase a person’s pain symptoms by providing temporary relief, but to work to permanently resolve the root dysfunction or restriction causing the pain.
Through Colin’s unique combination of modalities, he provides an opportunity for change which encourages our own natural mechanisms to improve functional and structural balance, relieve pain and discomfort and relieve the negative effects of stress and enhance mobility. The goal is to achieve vital balance with your body, mind and spirit.
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